Work-life balance is a key part of self-care when juggling the responsibilities of your workday, home life, and relationships with your family members and other loved ones.

There are many practices you can implement into your life and day-to-day to work towards a better work-life balance, and your Privilee Membership is a fantastic tool to help you! 

Take breaks 

Even a 30-second microbreak can:

  • Improve concentration
  • Reduce stress
  • Keep you feeling engaged
  • Make your work feel more enjoyable

With so many benefits in such a short period, imagine how many more there are if you schedule longer and more regular breaks, such as a 60-minute lunch break! 

If this is something you can factor into your day, using your lunch break to Privilee is a no-brainer! You can use the time to work out, take a quick break on the beach or poolside, or even attend a fitness class. 

Ask for flexibility

Having open, honest conversations about your needs and those of your employer and team can lead to productive solutions.

Those can include flextime, a compressed workweek schedule, job sharing, working remotely and other creative options. 

If your employer or team is open to this, perhaps you could plan to work remotely during your working week - a change of scenery often helps when you’re stuck for ideas or creativity! Here are a few of our favourite remote working spots on Privilee in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. 

Plan family time

Studies have shown that spending time with family can help to reduce stress and anxiety, lead to a healthier lifestyle and lengthen your life. 

Whether that’s an early finish at work or planning quality time together during your free time and at weekends - it’s a vital factor in maintaining a work-life balance! 

As a Privilee membership includes access for one adult and up to three kids, it’s the perfect solution for planning hassle-free days together at family-friendly resorts, splash parks and kids’ pools. Privilee Members with families love the below venues!

Prioritise quality time

Identify what’s truly important to you so that you can allocate yourself time to spend doing matters most to you. 

Once you have identified this, take an honest look at how you spend your time (outside of work). Which activities are life-enhancing and would you like to do more of them? For example, working out, prioritising rest, spending time outside, trying activities, exploring new places, etc. 

If any of the above sounds like something you would enjoy - you can use your Privilee Membership to do them all! 

Explore a variety of venues across the UAE, including Ras Al Khaimah and Ajman - the perfect way to switch off outside of the city and maximise your free time in an Emirate that perhaps you haven’t visited before. 

For those that want to start a fitness regime, or switch their current routine up, with Privilee you can access a variety of industry-leading gyms and boutique fitness studios across the UAE. There is an option for everyone! 

Work out before work

Studies have shown that people that exercise on workdays are happier, suffer less stress, and are more productive. However, if you’re someone that often ends up staying late to meet deadlines, it can be hard to motivate yourself to go to the gym after a long day in the office. 

This is what makes working out before work so beneficial, your workout is complete before you step foot into the office! If this is something you’d like to give a try, we’ve rounded up all of the early morning fitness classes that are available on Privilee (starting from 6am!), that Members can access, complimentary. 

Make healthy work-life balance a priority

Creating work-life balance is an ongoing process. You’ll constantly be learning and adapting as your interests and circumstances change over time. But it can be fun, especially with Privilee! Regularly revisit your priorities and realign how you’re spending your time, energy, and Privilee’ing. 

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Feb 7, 2023