Meet Dane and Matt, Privilee’s corporate team!

Read on below as they talk us through why Privilee for business is what you need to keep your work environment happy, healthy and thriving.  

What is Privilee for business?

We know how much Privilee can enhance your life personally, spending your free time relaxing by the UAE’s best beaches and pools, and keeping fit with workouts at gyms near home or work. But have you thought about the benefits Privilee can bring to your workplace? 

In such a competitive employment market, studies show that companies with an excellent corporate wellness programme are far more likely to recruit and retain top talent. 

Our corporate wellness programme is designed to benefit the organisation as much as the employee. You can improve your team's health and wellness behaviours by providing them with access to Privilee. This will encourage fitness activities and promote a healthy lifestyle, ultimately contributing to a more motivated and productive team.

Introducing...Privilee for business! 

How can you use Privilee for your team?

In addition to beach, pool and gym access, Privilee corporate memberships include a network of remote working hotspots, discounts on meeting facilities, and food and beverage venues, great for team meetings and client entertainment. There is also the recreational aspect of the membership which can help with team building and socialisation. Who doesn’t love a team workout or a game of tennis/squash!?

Privilee is not just about the time spent at work, but also the time spent outside of working hours. Our corporate wellness programme can be extended to spouses, and up to 3 kids under the age of 15 can be registered per family for free. Leisure time spent with the family is an important time to switch off and relax.

What are the benefits of having an employee wellness programme and how can Privilee help drive the success of your business?

Employees want to feel valued by their employer and they now care more than ever about what companies are offering for their wellbeing. 

Having a wellbeing programme will improve workplace culture by encouraging employees to lead an active lifestyle and ensure that they enjoy their time outside of work and are recharged ahead of each working day. These factors contribute significantly to their performance in the workplace, resulting in an increase in an engaged team and higher productivity which will generate more profit for the business.

The workforce is the most important asset to any company, creating a meaningful place to work will contribute to overall team morale. 

How can I get more information?

Get in touch with our corporate team at and


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Oct 14, 2020